
Ignacio drives a mini-bus day in and day out. This is how he earned money throughout his wife’s pregnancy. In late 2022, they were excited to welcome a baby boy into their small family. However, the reality of the situation changed quickly when their newborn son was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. Yerson was born in a state hospital, but doctors advised Ignacio that he would need to take the baby to another hospital where they could provide advanced cardiac care. Ignacio shared the following,

“It was difficult because my wife was still in the hospital in a fragile state. I followed all of the doctors’ orders. There were many medications and tests for my newborn son. The doctors told me he was in a critical condition and needed to be admitted for open-heart surgery, but the cost of surgery was beyond my reach. My family can’t support be. But I’m so grateful to God that there are institutions and people that can help me. Without your help, my son wouldn’t be able to have surgery.”

Yerson was admitted for surgery at the Incor Clinic in Santa Cruz in December 2022. The surgery went well, but his recovery has not been easy. Yerson was readmitted to the hospital several weeks after surgery due to complications. We will continue to follow Yerson’s story and have every hope that he will recover in the weeks and months ahead.

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