
Mia lives with her mother Shirley, maternal grandmother, and six siblings in a small village on the outskirts of Santa Cruz.  The family is supported by an 18-year-old brother and a 68-year-old grandmother.  The family of nine lives in a small shack with a corrugated metal roof, dirt floor and a shared septic tank.

In an interview with Puente de Solidaridad, Shirley said, "Since last year I noticed that my daughter tired easily while playing and had to sit down. Then she had hearing problems. I took her to the doctor. There they told me she had a heart murmur. I took her to the Japanese Hospital where the doctor told me she needed surgery. When they told me, I felt that the world was collapsing on me because we are going through many problems. My husband does not work because of legal problems. My oldest son is the only one who helps me, along with my mother. I used to work in the circus, but became pregnant last year and had to quit. I ask you please support me. I want my daughter to be able to have surgery and be healthy."

Mia was diagnosed with Trabecular (Muscular) Ventricular Septal Defect.  Through the support of Puente de Solidaridad, Dharma Social Projects, and a visiting mission program at the Incor Hospital, Mia was able to access surgery to correct her VSD. Mia was operated on September 4th and was released from the hospital two days later.

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