Mariela Amador

The family Amador is made up of 5 members. The father is Mario, a 38 year construction worker, the mother is a 36 year old teacher and the children are 3. There is Roberto who is 13, Christian who is 8 and the patient, Mariela who is a 15 year old girl.

The family lives in the city of Tarija, where the type of surgery Mariela needs in unavailable. It is a city in the southeast quadrant of Bolivia. The entire family lives in a rented one room apartment. The total salary of both parents amount to $200 a month and covers their basic expenses, though Mariela's situation has impacted their finances.

In the mother's words: "Estamos pasando por momentos muy difíciles desde que supimos que mi Mariela tiene problema cardiaco. Nosotros no nos imaginábamos que fuera tan grave y que necesita una operación. Esto nos ha desesperado por que no contamos con dinero para pagar este monto. Gracias a Dios que conseguimos la ayuda del Sr. Castellanos quien se contacto con ustedes. Yo les pido en nombre de toda mi familia que por favor nos ayuden."

"We are passing through a very difficult time since knowing that our Mariela has a cardiological problem. We did not imagine that it was so serious and that she would need an operation. This has caused us to despair because we do not count with the resources to pay what it costs. Thank God that we received the help of Mr. Castellanos who put us in contact with you. I ask you in name of my family that you please help us."

Mariela was successfully operated by Dr. Benjo Gareca and is well and back in Tarija. This surgery was made possible through the financial support of Dharma Trading Co.

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