Lutfatul Hariyah

Birth: Tegal, 8/9/2000

Family: Lutfatul is one of 5 children. The 3 elder daughters are married and she has a 10 year old brother.

Education: Her parents have only several years of elementary education. Her older sisters only completed elementary school. She has a brother who is in elementary school.

Living Conditions/Situation: The family rents 1 room constructed from plywood and recycled metal sheets for Rp. 200 000 ($20 US) per month. The ceiling height is very low and an adult cannot stand upright.

Economic Situation: Her father works as a builder's laborer when he can get work. Her mother washes and irons clothes.

Additional Comments: Lutfatul is a pleasant child. She enjoys staying home close to her mother. She is a reasonably healthy child.

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