Khusnul Khotimah

Birth: Jakarta, 3 January 2001

Family: Khusnul is the second child in the family. Her brother still attends school and sits on the 2nd grade in Senior High School. Both of her parents graduated from Elementary School. Her father is unwell and is often bed rest.

Education: Currently Khusnul is in her 4th Grade. She studies very well and scores the average 73 out of 100 in up to 10 subject. In addition, she joins the dance club every Tuesday. She is a diligent girl who studies everyday at home. She wants to become a language teacher. Living

Conditions/Situation: They live in a house which they inherited in an over crowded area. Their house is very simple; with clay-tiled rooftop and cemented walls and a mud floor. They have two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen. They spend 65,000 IDR (6.50 USD) on electricity every month.

Economic Situation: Her father works as a scavenger who collects and sells recyclable goods. While her mother have a small business to sells snacks and beverages. They do not have a fixed every monthly income.

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