
Birth: Tangerang, 29 November 1999

Family: Karmila is the only child in the family. She is very diligent and she always helps her mom with chores. Both of her parents graduated from Elementary School. Karmila and her dad are in good health. Her mom, however, suffers from rheumatic frequently.

Education: Karmila is an energetic and friendly student. She aspires to be a doctor in the future. Currently she is in her 4th grade and, on average, scores 78.5 out of 100 in 10 subjects. She also joins the Girl Scout every Saturday. She loves cycling together with her friends.

Living Conditions/Situation: Karmila's family lives in scavengers' area. The location is crowded and dirty. Her dad's boss provides the area and it is free of charge. The house is very simple, with a ground floor; walls made out of ply wood and roof made out of asbestos. Their clean water source comes from a ground well powered by an electric pump. They borrowed their electricity from their neighbor for 10,000 IDR (1 USD) per month.

Economic Situation: Her dad works as an old-tire-scavenger. He collects them everyday, cleans them and sells them to a machine shop. Her mom works as a maid. Their monthly earning is used to cover their daily expenses. There is hardly anything left to support Karmila's education.

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