
In the classroom: Dion is a kind, nice and polite student in class. He always follows all the class rules, does home work, and shows respect to teachers and friends. That is why he could be adaptable with all of his friends. Beside that Dion is also one of the most briliant students in BCU and at the end of school year he won an award as the best student in the year.

His academic qualities in class are very good, especially in math, he can solve math questions faster then the other pupils. Last year Dion, Syifa, and Aldi were chosen to join a math competition on the birthday celebration of the Math Department of UNPAR 2012 University ofPalangka Raya). They won first place yeaaa.. This achievement was also reported in Kalteng Pos. Because of this achievement one of Pak Gunarjo’s (BCU principal) University colleagues praised BCU success in developing good characteristics and achievements of students. That appraisal made Pak Gunarjo very proud of Dion.

Not only that; for this year, Dion has been chosen to prepare for the National Mathematic Olympiade 2013 with other 3 students. His progress in social skill, academic, and achievement makes him proper to represent the BCU school. Perhaps in the future time, he could get a bigger achievement that make us proud and can motivate other students to be a success like him. ....amiin...

Family: Dion is Seline’s big brother. He is clever student. Last June Dion won the first prize in Math Competition held by University of Palangka Raya. He love to play piano and his trainer noticed that Dion has good competence in Music and Math.

The background of his family is the same with Seline.. Dion said he want to be a doctor someday. He just graduated from Primary School and his score was the second among the 6 graders in Bina Cita Utama.

Since 6 years ago we know Dion, he is always nice. He never makes trouble for the teachers and the parents. He also loves BCU very much and doesn't want to move. Dion has good potential and BCU gives him support to achieve it.

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