
Telma is a single mother. She supports her 2-year-old daughter, Delbirene, by working the afternoon shift at a local pharmacy. Telma’s mother helps to watch the baby while Telma is working. Delbirene requires a great deal of special attention due to a congenital heart defect and Mosaicism Syndrome. The Mosaicism causes weak muscles and the heart condition causes intermittent colds, fevers, fatigue, and agitated sleep.

Telma heard of Puente de Solidaridad during a campaign at the ProSalud Hospital. She spoke with Puente social workers about her daughters issues and asked for help. She said, "I am a single mother. I ask you to please help me, since on my own I will never be able to pay the amount of the surgery. This situation affects us all very much, especially my daughter, because she is almost always sick."

Dr. Carlos Brockmann agreed to complete the surgery to close the hole in Delbirene’s heart at the ProSalud clinic in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Delbirene returned home five days after surgery. This would not have been possible without the generous contributions on the part of the Bolivian medical team and the financial support of the Goff Gift Fund.

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