Dariana Perez

Dariana is a 4 month old baby girl with congenital heart disease. Her father, David Perez (26) has a degree as an accountant, but has been unable to find work and has no means. He is married to Dennys (24) who is unable to work in order to care for the baby. They live with David's parents who are covering the costs of life for the couple until their situation improves. The father is currently working as a waiter making between 200 and 320 B's a month, i.e. between $25 and $40.

The couple share in tears: "We ask God the opportunity to save our little daughter. She is so small and we do not resign ourselves to lose her. It is not just what is happening to her, she is just beginning to live. We will make every effort to make the operation possible, but we are poor and have no money."

Dariana was recently operated and has more recently left intensive care. Her operation was a success. This surgery was made possible through the financial support of Dharma Trading Co.

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