
Nickname: "Hadi"

Birth: Indramayu, 1998

Family: Hadi has one older brother and a younger sister and brother. Both parents are alive and both have only had elementary-level education.

Education: Hadi is a bright student and his school report is very good. He never has to be told to do his homework.

Living Conditions/Situation: Parents and four children live at the edge of the dump in 1 room (4m X 4m) with scrap metal walls and roof, the door is the only ventilation. They have access to clean water for which they have to pay.

Economic Situation: Father is a 'scavenger'. He earns about $7 a day gathering and selling used materials. Additional Comments: Hadi is in relatively good health - although he was ill at the time of the home visit. He enjoys playing soccer.

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