
One-year-old Cristian is Lupe and Santiago’s only child. The light he brings helps them muscle through their days as they eke out a living driving taxis and cleaning houses.

When Cristian was born, Dr. Brockmann diagnosed him with a ventricular septal heart defect. This condition leaves a hole in between the lower chambers of the heart. Further tests showed other heart issues that needed urgent attention, including surgery.

With great effort and planning, Cristian’s father decided to move closer to the center of the city to find more work as a taxi driver. Meanwhile, an aunt provided housing for Cristian and his mother during this tough time. Cristian’s family and community were ready to move mountains to find medical care for their beloved baby boy.

Cristian’s community organized a kermesse fundraiser for his surgery. With all of this local support and with the generous support of the Goff Gift Fund, the family was able to finally afford and undertake the surgery needed to restore Cristian’s health. The parents and everyone involved in this process are immensely grateful and Cristian continues to be the source of joy and light in their lives.

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