
Birth: Tegal, 9 August 1993

Family: Ardi is the 1st child of 2 siblings in the family. There are 4 people who living. His sister is in Junior high school. And his parent just graduate from primary school. His father have lung disese and his mother have rheumatic.

Education: Ardi is a good boy and responsible. Now he is registered in the 3rd Grade of Vocational School in SMK Makarya Jakarta Selatan. He always makes time to study at home. His hobby is playing football and his aspires to become a business man.

Living Conditions/Situation :Ardi's parents rent a house 200.000 IDR/ month. For electricity they must pay 25.000 IDR/ month. Their roof made from tile combine with zinc, wall from wood and floor from ceramic. Water source from jet pump. The ventilation of the house is very little.

Economic Situation: His father works as a driver and his mother works as a housemaid. Their wages is 1.200.000 IDR/month). If they have fund, they want open small restaurant to increase their income. With these funds, they fight and hope for their children's education still continued.

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