Ahmad Septian

Nickname: "Tian"

Birth: Tangerang, 9/30/2000

Family: Tian is the youngest of three children, and the only boy. The eldest daughter is married; the second daughter is 15 and attending public school. Being the only son, he is rather spoiled. Both parents are alive; both parents have had elementary school education.

Education: He has just started school at a public school.

Living Conditions/Situation: The family lives together in a house with cement floor and poor sanitary facilities. The house was inherited.

Economic Situation: Father sews for a living. The mother is unemployed. Income source is sporadic and tries to add to the income by also working as a casual laborer when possible.

Additional Comments: Tian seems in relatively good health. It is a positive sign that his elder sister is attending public high school - her education level has already surpassed that of the parents. Prospects look hopeful if Tian is able to continue his education, as the parents seem to feel that education is important for their children.

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