Ahmad Sayuti

Birth: Jakarta, 29th September 1997

Family: Sayuti is the last chid of 5 siblings in the family. His first sister works at factory at Cikarang and stays there. Whereas the second sister works in Cipete area. There are two others who still go to school, Sasha and Sayuti. Sasha is in the 1st Grade of Senior High School.

Education: Sayuti is a good boy and responsible. He likes art and culture subject. Now he is registered in the 1st Grade of Junior High School in SMPN 86 Jakarta. He always makes time to study at home. His hobby is playing football and his aspires to become a football player.

Living Conditions/Situation: Sayuti's parents rent a house and pay Rp. 500.000/ month. For electricity they must pay approximately Rp. 50.000 – 75.000/ month. The house has 1 common room, 1 bedroom and kitchen/bathroom), Their roof from asbestos, wall and floor from cement. Water source from jet pump.

Economic Situation: His parent and brother work as food vendor (Rp. 1.200.000/month). With these funds, they fight and hope for their children's education still continued.

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